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7 Mysteries Of Ancient China

7 Mysteries Of Ancient China

Regular price $23.90 SGD
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Chinese and Hebrew cultures are the two longest-living cultures in the world.

What do they have in common?

What are the secrets of their survival and continued influence around the world while other great civilizations have come and gone?

Come, join us on this journey of discovery and be ready for huge surprises


The world continues to assault the reliability of the Bible and historical records to discourage the next generation to follow the Truth. Our young people need to be confident that what they believe in is true and real. They need to know that what they were told, their parents’ faith, is founded on history and truth.

With the publication of 7 Mysteries of Ancient China, a collaboration between Kelly Shinozawa with Dr Thong Chan Kei, the Manga adaptation of Faith of Our Fathers – Finding God in Ancient China, our Tweens and Youth, in particular, has access to a captivating, compelling and intriguing account of how the God of the Bible has also had his hand on China since its earliest recorded history.

The purpose of the book is to stimulate interest amongst the younger generation in the amazing parallels found in biblical and ancient Chinese history. In so doing, it is hoped that they will become anchored in biblical faith.

The “7 Mysteries of Ancient China” explores the ancient Chinese worship of One God – one who shares the same attributes as the God of the Bible. With evidence from Chinese characters, descriptions of this God (Shang Di) from classical Chinese writings, and China’s imperial sacrificial system, etc., it is a compelling and visually captivating read.

The young reader will be taken on a fantastical journey to discover the 7 Mysteries of Ancient China. Their guides to unearth “the truth” are Kelly and her history professor as they seek out the writings of Chinese historians and scholars from China’s ancient roots to the arrival of Western Christian missionaries in the 16th-18th centuries.

Captured in stunning, vibrant colour, the characters and their adventure are brought to life in a most impactful way for a younger, visually orientated, generation. Manga provides a wonderful gateway to discovering the truth of God’s word and his hand in ancient history, from pages of the Bible and beyond. In this case, redeeming ancient Chinese history itself from false ‘historical’ prejudices and perceptions.

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